Evaluating Sources
Directions: Copy the questions into a Google Doc. Name the Doc - Evaluating Sources (Room#).
Record your answers in the Google Doc. Share your Doc with Mrs. Ness.
Directions - Accessing Source 1 - In a new tab, open mrsnesslibrary.com. Click on Research Databases located on the top horizontal navigation.
Click on the first database - Student Resources in Context. Search - cloning in the search box. Click on View More.
Source 2 - http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=7546885
Source 3 - http://books.google.com/books?id=kGJiHbzveXsC&printsec=frontcover&dq=cloning&hl=en&sa=X&ei=sheeUfWTL8uKqQGUwIGwCA&ved=0CD0Q6AEwAw#v=onepage&q=cloning&f=false
Source 4 - http://www.genome.gov/25020028
Topic: Cloning
Research Question: Is a clone an exact copy of the original?
Part 1: Source Format
- Is the source an online source or a print source?
- What type of source is this? (encyclopedia, website, reference article included in the database, book)
- Is the source a primary or secondary source?
Part 2: Up-to-Date
- When was the information published?
- Was the information published less than or more than five years ago?
Part 3: Author Reliability
- Who is the author?
- What are the author's credentials or background?
- Is the author an expert in his/her field? How do you know?
Part 4: Relevancy and Appropriateness
- Does this source help to answer your research questions? Why?
- Is the information appropriate to your topic and research questions? Why?
Part 5:Keywords
List seven keywords you could use if you continued to search for more information to answer your research questions.
Part 6: APA Citations
Select the correct APA citation for the source you read. Copy and paste the correct APA citation next to number 18.
- http://ic.galegroup.com/ic/suic/ReferenceDetailsPage/ReferenceDetailsWindow?
- LaPensee, Kenneth Travis. "Cloning." Biotechnology: In Context. Ed. Brenda Wilmoth Lerner and K. Lee Lerner. Detroit: Gale, 2012. In Context Series. Student Resources In Context. Web. 7 May 2013.
- "Cloning." Biotechnology: In Context. LaPensee, Kenneth Travis. Ed. Brenda Wilmoth Lerner and K. Lee Lerner. 3rd ed. Detroit: Gale, 2012
Part 7: Response
Reflect on the components above and explain why this would or would not be a good source to meet your research needs. In your reflection, you need to include evidence to support your statement. Include the four components from Parts 1-4 (Source Format, Up-to-Date, Reliability, Relevancy & Appropriateness).